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로앤비 교육센터

강사진소개_on 교육센터 소개 주요강좌 소개 연간교육일정표 강사진 소개 교육센터 대관 커뮤니티 교육센터
블릿 강사프로필
  • Christopher Leslie
  • 이 름 Christopher Leslie
    직 업 Chancellor’s Professor of Law 소 속 University of California, Irvine School of Law
    [Education] University of California, Berkeley, J.D.(1993) Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Masters in Public Policy(1988) University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., Economics and Political Science(1986) [Experience] University of California at Berkeley, Professor(1991~1998) University of Texas School of Law, Visiting professor(2003~2006) Stanford Law School, Visiting professor(2005) New York School of Law, Visiting professor(2007~2009) Chicago-Kent College of Law, Associate professor(Illinois Institute of Technology)(1988~2009) University of California, Irvine School of Law, Chancellor's professor(2014 to present)
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